The deadline to file an appeal for the 2024-25 school year is May 24, 2024.APPEALS, REFERRALS, & EXITING
The Center Grove High Ability Identification Team implements a well-designed, multifaceted identification process consistent with Indiana Code and Rules; it is based upon sound measures designed for use with high ability learners in order to find those students whose academic needs are far beyond those of typical students of the same age in our district.An appeal process is in place in the event the High Ability Identification Team does not place a child in services during a pathway year (Grades K, 2, and 5) and a teacher, parent, or other person close to the child challenges this decision. An official written appeal using this form must be filed by the deadline listed below.
An appeals process allows the committee to review further information that shows good cause to reconsider the selection criteria or, if deemed appropriate, evaluate additional support documentation to consider high ability identification.
Please note: An appeal does not re-evaluate student data already considered in the official identification process. Data that demonstrates the student performs at an outstanding level, well beyond age peers in English Language Arts or Math will be reviewed by the High Ability Identification Team.
High Ability Referral Form
(Closes may 24)
The Center Grove High Ability Identification Team implements a well-designed, multifaceted identification process consistent with Indiana Code and Rules; it is based upon sound measures designed for use with high ability learners in order to find those students whose academic needs are far beyond those of typical students of the same age in our district.
All students are considered for high ability services during pathway years (K, 2nd, and 5th grade). If a child moves into the Center Grove School Corporation, a High Ability Referral Form may be submitted for consideration of services.* The context in which a referral can take place for a move-in student is as follows:
The student is new to the district.
- If the student moves in BEFORE summer testing-- a Referral form is completed and the student may participate in CGCSC summer testing.
- If the student move in AFTER summer testing-- a Referral form is completed and the High Ability Coordinator will review the data.
The student has not previously tested for high ability in the district and is in a non-pathway grade level.
In both situations, the referral will be reviewed by the High Ability District Coordinator and, when necessary, the Identification Team, for a final decision.
* High Ability identification in a previous district is not an automatic placement in Center Grove, as districts often have different measures and criteria for identification. The assessments used to determine placement for new students will be consistent with those used for identification of Center Grove peer cohorts.
High Ability Exit Procedures
Exit procedures can be followed when a student is not benefitting from the high ability services provided.
Students who are not successful with high ability placement may be exited from programming at any time. This process may be initiated by the school or by the parent. A committee made up of the parent, teacher, school administrator/counselor, and high ability coordinator will meet to establish a Student Improvement Plan (see appendix).
The goal of the Student Improvement Plan is to set forth interventions which will assist the student in being successful in the high ability placement. Improvement steps will be identified, a timeline will be set for completion, and then the committee will reconvene to determine the success of the plan.
If improvements have been made, additional supports can be added if necessary to continue the placement. If the interventions have not assisted the student in being successful, then the student may be exited from the program.