Grade 2
All Center Grove elementary buildings administer the Indiana Reading Evaluation and Determination (IREAD-3) to all second grade students. Individual Student Report for IREAD-3 are sent to parents via ParentSquare. Scores are also be uploaded into Skyward Family Access under “Test Scores.”
What do the test results mean for my Second Grade child?
If my child receives…
This means your child…
View Grade 2 Parent Guide to IREAD-3 Score Report
Grade 3
All Center Grove elementary buildings administer the Indiana Reading Evaluation and Determination (IREAD-3) to students in Grade 3 who did not pass the test in Grade 2. Individual Student Reports for IREAD-3 are sent to parents via ParentSquare. Scores are also uploaded into Skyward Family Access under “Test Scores.”
- A PASS score of 446 or above indicates that the student has met the expected level of learning.
- A DID NOT PASS is a score of 445 or lower.
Our staff works diligently to implement best practice instructional strategies to help develop growing readers in Grade 3. If your child did not pass IREAD-3, he/she will retake the test in May after receiving remediation organized by each school.
View Grade 3 Parent Guide to IREAD-3 Score Report