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New Website

Welcome to the new website for Center Grove Schools! 

This new website has a fresh, clean look with improved functionality that we hope will enhance the user experience.

What's New

  • WEBSITE ADDRESSES: While the main website address remains the same, most page links have changed on this new platform. Please update your bookmarks for any district or school pages you have saved. You can find all schools in a dropdown on the district page.
  • SEARCHES: An improved search function will make it easier to find what you need. Place " " around your search term to help better refine your results.
  • TRANSLATION: A more robust translation module will allow you to choose your preferred language.

What's the Same

  • CONTENT: All of the content on the previous site has been moved to this one (more than 3,200 pages)!
  • NAVIGATION: Navigation and location of pages has not changed. The channels at the top of each website remain the same.

We value your feedback! Please take a moment to fill out the form below about your experience.


First Name
Last Name
Affiliation with Center Grove Schoolsrequired
Please provide us with information about your experience on our new website:
Overall, how would you rate the new Center Grove Schools website?required(1=Poor rating; 5=Great rating)
(1=Poor rating; 5=Great rating)
How would your rate the usability of the website?required(1=Hard to use; 5=Easy to navigate)
(1=Hard to use; 5=Easy to navigate)
Could you find what you wanted?required(1=No, I gave up; 5=Yes, no problems)
(1=No, I gave up; 5=Yes, no problems)
What was the reason you visited the Center Grove Schools website? required(Select all that apply.)
(Select all that apply.)