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SP 2.0 Background



Center Grove's Strategic Planning Committee 2.0 (SP2.0) is made up of more than 80 parents, community members, teachers, administrators, and other staff members. This group is dedicated to creating a vision we're calling Strategic Plan 2.0 that will carry Center Grove Schools from the conclusion of the current strategic plan forward through the next three to five years.


The Strategic Planning Committee is utilizing an advisory group, called the CG100, to gather input and feedback on what the community wants for their school system. Click here to learn more about the CG100.


During the 2014-2015 school year, the Strategic Planning Committee met to review input from the CG100, determine priorities, and build goals for the school corporation. The new goals or Strategic Plan 2.0 were completed by the end of the 2014-2015 school year. The corporation will begin to implement the plan during the 2015-2016 school year.

In its first meeting in September 2014, the SP2.0 developed a list of "wonderings" based off of the data collected from the CG100. You can see those wonderings at this link. Those wonderings were reviewed by the SPC and consolidated by topic. You can see them at this link. At its December meeting, the SP2.0 further discussed the wonderings and developed them into draft goal ideas. Those goal ideas were reviewed and ranked by the CG100 in January. You can see their input at this link. The rankings were reviewed and developed into a set of draft goals, grouped by subject, by the SP2.0 at its February meeting. From those draft goals, a few of the goals were elevated and combine to create a further-refined list of draft goals. The SP2.0 provided feedback on the revisions, which is available at this link. Their feedback was used to create the final goals, which were approved by the Center Grove Board of Trustees on June 16, 2015. All of the documents linked above are available below under "Supporting Documents".


It became clear after the first meeting of the Strategic Planning Committee 2.0 that the corporation's current vision and mission statements did not align with its current beliefs and values. Thus, SP2.0 took on the project of reviewing and revising the vision and mission statements. Over the course of the three Strategic Planning meetings and during two sub-committee meetings specifically focused on Vision, Mission and Beliefs, SP2.0 developed revised vision, mission, and belief statements. Those revisions were presented to and approved by the Board of School Trustees on May 21, 2015.