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2012 Budget

Table of Contents for 2012 Budget

1. Introduction  
1-1 Activity Timeline
1-2 Assessed Value History
1-3 Budget Worksheet
1-4 Advertised VS Approved tax Rates
1-5 Board Presentation

2. General Fund

2-1 Budget Assumptions
2-5 Revenue Estimate
2-6 Spending Plan
2-31 Cash Flow


3. Debt Service Fund

3-1 Budget Assumptions
3-2 Revenue Estimate
3-3 Spending Plan
3-4 Cash Flow
3-5 Debt Service Worksheet

4. Pension Bond Fund

4-1 Budget Assumptions
4-2 Revenue Estimate
4-3 Spending Plan
4-4 Cash Flow
4-5 Debt Service Worksheet 
4-6 Amortization Schedule for SB 199 Bonds 
4-7 Tax Neutrality Resolution

5. Capital Projects Fund

5-1 Budget Assumptions
5-2 Revenue Estimate
5-3 Spending Plan for 2010-2012
5-19 Cash Flow
5-20 CPF Total Revenue Chart 
5-21 Board Resolution 
5-22 List of CPF Projects by Category 
5-23 CPF Plan - Introduction 
5-28 Individual School Pages

6. Transportation Fund

6-1 Budget Assumptions
6-2 Revenue Estimate
6-3 Spending Plan
6-5 Cash Flow

7. Bus Replacement Fund


7-1 Budget Assumptions
7-2 Revenue Estimate
7-3 Spending Plan
7-4 Cash Flow
7-5 Bus Replacement Plan (Sections I and II) 
7-11 Board Resolution


9. State Forms


9-1 #1 - School Corporation Budget Estimate
9-13 #1-S - Supplemental Budget by Program/Object
9-14 #2 - Estimate of Miscellaneous Revenue
9-17 #3 - Pg1 - Notice to Taxpayer of Tax Levies and Rates
9-18 #3 - Pg2 - Notice of CPF Hearing
9-19 #3 - Pg3 - Notice to Taxpayers - Bus Plan
9-20 #4 - Resolution of Appropriations
9-22 #4-B Combined Statement - Expected
9-23 #4-B Combined Statement - Advertised
9-24 Form 4 Line 2 Budget Worksheet
9-25 #5 Budget Letter & Resolution of Tax Rates
9-26 CPF Notice of Adoption 


10. Notes