Budget Assumptions
October 24, 2019
Revenue Assumptions:
- Transfer: Revenue will come partially from a transfer of $6,690,000 from the Education Fund
- Miscellaneous Taxes: These have been estimated proportionally the same as 2019
- Building Rental: Revenue is projected about the same as the prior year
- Total Revenue: Estimated to be $20,440,000, but that will be reduced by property tax cap losses of at least $800,000
Expenditure Assumptions:
- Staff changes:
- Added 1 School Resource Officer (was paid from a grant)
- Added an Assistant Director of Transportation
- WGES Grounds person went from half year to full year
- Reduced 2 Bus Drivers
- Reduced .5 Bus Monitor
- Major changes in custodians since we eliminated outsourcing
- Utilities: Cost increases in this area were small compared to prior years. We budgeted an additional $55,000 which is a 4% increase.
- Technology and Building Improvement Projects: Expenditures will be partly in CPF and partly in an additional bond issue of $4,800,000 for building projects and technology. More details about expenditures can be found in the individual site plans and the list of CPF projectsTransfer: Some expenditures have been transferred from the old General Fund into this fund
- Staff changes:
- 2 New School Security Officers
- 1 New School Resource Officer (partially paid from a grant)
- 1 new bus driver in the fall of 2018 and 2 in the fall of 2019
- All staff for Walnut Grove Elementary starting in the fall of 2019
- Utilities: We have seen significant increases in utility costs in the last 6 months. The budget for all utilities for 2019 has increased by $321,000 from the prior year.
- Technology and Building Improvement Projects: Expenditures will be partly in CPF and partly in an additional bond issue of $4,800,000 for building projects and technology. More details about expenditures can be found in the individual site plans and the list of CPF projects
- Bus Plan:
- We have assumed 5% inflation in the cost of buses each year
- Replacement buses needed in 2020 are $1,032,000 to replace 11 buses at a cost of $108,000 each for 78-passenger buses and $60,000 for smaller buses
- Additional buses needed in 2020 are two 78-passenger buses
- Total cost of the above 13 buses is $1,248,000
- Gasoline: It is very difficult to predict fuel costs:
- Total Expenditures:
- Estimated to be $19,640,000
Tax Rate/Levy Expenditures:
- Levy: This fund has a maximum levy that increases by a growth quotient every year. We estimate the maximum levy to be $11,355,393.