Welcome to the website for the 2022 Center Grove budgets. Here you will find information about the three major funds that we are required to adopt each year in a public meeting. Here are some basic facts about the budgets:
- The budget will be voted on by the school board on October 21, 2021.
- These budgets are all based on the calendar year: January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022.
- This adoption process is guided by rules established by the State Board of Accounts and the Department of Local Government Finance.
- A new structure was adopted by the state of Indiana for 2019 school budgets. That structure includes three major funds, as noted on the tabs on these pages: Education Fund, Operations Fund, and Debt Service Fund.
- Each of these funds has its own set of rules controlling what they can be spent for, how much revenue will be received, how they can be changed, etc.
- Each of these funds acts as if it were in its own “buckets” (see illustration below). We have limited ability to move expenses or revenues between funds.
Feel free to browse through the budget material on this site. If you have questions, you can contact:
Dr. Paul Gabriel
Chief Financial Officer
Stacy Conrad
Executive Director of Communications