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Meal Guidelines

Center Grove Community School Corporation

Meal Guidelines  

Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 (HHFKA)

Several menu changes have taken place with the passage of the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010.  As a part of the law passed by Congress, school lunch and breakfast meals are required to undergo some changes.  

What exactly did the law change for school lunch?

  • Meal Components - Students are required to take 3-5 of the meal components to be considered a lunch, one of which must be a fruit or vegetable.  Meal components are dairy, grain/bread, protein, fruit, and vegetable.
  • Fruit - High School students are now offered a cup of fruit.  Fruit will be offered in 1/2 cup servings and students may choose two options. Students can choose the same vegetable for both servings.  Middle School and Elementary School students are offered 1/2 cup of fruit.
  • Vegetables - The HHFKA requires 3/4 cup for the elementary and middle school levels and 1 cup for High School.  Center Grove will be offering a cup of vegetables to ALL levels.  Vegetables will be offered in 1/2 cup servings and students may choose two options. Students can choose the same vegetable for both servings.  The HHFKA also requires different subgroups of vegetables to be served: beans/legumes, dark green, red/orange, starchy, and other.
  • Bread/Grain and Protein - Bread/grain and protein items have stricter minimums.  High School, Middle School, and Elementary Schools each have different requirements.  Our menus have changed by increasing the bread/grain and protein servings in some entrees to meet the new minimums.
  • Whole Grains -  By SY 2014-2015 all bread and grain items must be  at least 51% whole grain with the exception of pasta.  Currently our buns, dinner rolls, wraps, and rice are whole grain.
  • Milk - All flavored milk is fat-free and white milk is 1% or fat free.
  • Sodium - The HHFKA has a ten year step program for lowering the sodium levels in school meals.  Manufacturers are reformulating products along with our own staff changing recipes to meet the requirements.  The first sodium requirement begins SY 2014-2015.
  • Trans Fat - Products will not contain any trans fat unless it naturally occurs in the food.
  • Calories - The HHFKA have lowered the calorie ranges to help fight the rising obesity rates among children.
  • Breakfast - Starting SY 2014-2015 all students must take at least a 1/2 cup serving of fruit or fruit juice with breakfast.
  • A La Carte - All extra items sold in school that are not part of the reimbursable meal must follow new standards as of SY 2014-2015.  Items must meet certain calorie, sugar, fat, sodium, whole grain, and beverage standards.


What Makes a Lunch?


Understanding the Lunch Line: A Parent’s Guide

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