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CGCSC Health Services

Indiana Law requires that students have an up-to-date shot record on file, complete with month, day and year of each immunization. This is required for enrollment.


First page of the PDF file: 2024-25-School-Immunization-Requirements
2024-25 School Immunization Requirements
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Click here to view Immunization Requirements in Spanish  


  • It is requested that you update your child's immunization record every 1-2 years.  Copies should be faxed or dropped off at the school clinic.   
  • To document history of chickenpox disease for children entering preschool through 6th grade, a signed statement by a health care provider, documenting a diagnosis of varicella or verifying the history of disease, including date (MM/YY) is required.   For children entering grades 7 -12, documentation from a parent, including date of disease, parent signature and date of signature are required.

Parents can now access their child's immunization records on CHIRP (Children and Hoosier's Immunization Registry Program) with the use of MyVaxIndiana.  Go to for more information.   Immunizations can be given by appointment at your child's physician office or by contacting the Johnson County Health Department at 317-346-4368 through the Vaccines for Children Program.  


All students must have the required immunizations unless either of the following applies:

Medical Exemption: A Medical exemption is a physician's certification that a particular immunization is detrimental to the child's health.  It must state in writing that the child has a medical contraindication to receiving a vaccine and must be resubmitted each school year.   As true medical contraindications to immunization are vaccine-specific, medical exemptions must be written for each vaccine that is contraindicated.  For a Medical exemption, please have your child's physician complete this form: Vaccine Medical Exemption Form - ISDH  

Religious Objection: A religious objection must state that the objection to immunization is based on religious grounds. Each objected immunization must be specified. The objection must be in writing, signed by the child’s parent, and delivered to the school. There is no requirement of proof. The written religious objection must be resubmitted to the school at the beginning of each school year. For a religious objection exemption, please complete this form: Religious Exemption Form.