Bring Your Own Device
Center Grove provides students in Grades 6-12 with an iPad to use for their classwork. Parents may elect that their student bring their own iPad. The Technology Department must be notified by using the forms below, so that they will not be charged an iPad fee.
New BYOD students are encouraged to purchase the latest iPad model to ensure future compatibility with Apple's latest major iOS releases. New BYOD should bring at least an Apple 6th Generation iPad 32GB (A1893) or newer.
Returning BYOD students may use the same device as the previous year. However, during the school year, it may become difficult for a student using an older device to be successful with their school work like a student using an updated, CG-issued device.
Required Apps
If you choose to bring your own device, you will be responsible for downloading the following apps along with any additional testing or textbook apps required for the school year.
- Canvas Student
- Google Chrome
- Clever
- Cleartouch Collage
- Google Docs
- Google Drive
- Google Sheets
- Google Slides
- Lockdown Browser
- SecureTestBrowser
Paid Apps:
- Notability
- Any courses that utilize special apps will need purchased by families
iPad FAQs
- What are the apps that are required?
- What do I do if I want my student to use his/her own iPad, instead of renting one from the school?
- If we have our own devices, do they need to be an Apple iPad or can it be any kind of tablet - like a Galaxy?
- Which version of the iPad will the school be distributing?
- Will the iPad's iBook feature or the Kindle app integration be used to replace textbooks where possible?
- Does this mean there will be no textbooks at all, therefore, no textbook rental fees? Only the fee for iPad rental? Or, how will this work?
- Is this an optional program?
- Will there be any cost for the iPad similar to textbooks that my student usually receives?
- Will students be offered a chance to purchase iPads at a discounted price through Center Grove?
- Why do you not accept iPad minis?
- Will rented iPads be required to have a data package and who pays for that?
- Will all classes be offered on iPads—or will students still have some textbooks?
- Since I will have 2 kids at the high school, that means each of them would have to have one, correct?
- Will students be able to download additional apps?