Bus Stops are placed in a location that is best for all riders in your area. Center Grove Community School Corporation cannot provide door-to-door service.
Bus stops are located at street corners and/or every 600'. Even though we may pass your house during the route, we cannot stop at your house.
Most of our sub-divisions do not have sidewalks, and some are poorly lit. Therefore, it is important to remember that parents are responsible for the safety of the student to and from the bus stop.
Bus stops for students will be placed in the same location (or across the street) as the stops on the morning and afternoon routes to avoid confusing the children and keeping ride times to a reasonable length.
If a child needs to be dropped or picked up at a daycare location—it must be within the route and on a consistent basis. The bus stop designated for the location will be utilized. Alternating days, intermittent days must be left to the responsibility of the parent to transport.
Students must be at the stop at least 5 minutes before the scheduled pick-up and drop off time. Do not wait inside the house for the bus to stop. If the driver does not see anyone at the stop, he/she will continue on without stopping.
School buses have many "Blind Spots" were the driver is unable to see children running for the bus. While it may seem as though the driver looked at the child running for the bus--in fact the driver is checking the mirrors and will not see the child. For the safety of the child--Please be on time.
When waiting for the bus, stand still and at least 10 feet away from the bus stop as the school bus approaches. Never run toward the bus.
If your child has to cross the road—ALWAYS do so in front of the bus and WAIT until the driver signals to your child that it is safe to cross. As always, look both ways before crossing the street.
Dropped books, papers, or toys should never be retrieved from under the bus. Let the driver know if something fell under the bus. The driver will be very happy to help.
Never, ever, run after a moving bus! If your child missed the bus, call our number (881-0555) and we may be able to get the driver to come back around if possible.