2014-15 #E3CG Archive
Congratulations to all of the Center Grove Mathematics Pentathaletes! Sixty-five kindergarten through third grade students from Maple Grove and Sugar Grove participated in the competitions.
Center Grove High School (CGHS) graduated 560 students on Saturday, May 30, 2015.
The Center Grove Board of School Trustees voted at its meeting on Thursday, May 21, 2015 to adopt revised vision and mission statements for the school district.
Center Grove High School (CGHS) recognized 42 seniors Thursday evening who will receive college degrees or certificates through the school’s Early College (EC) program later this month.
Congratulations to Center Grove Middle School North's (MSN) Academic Bowl team which placed in the top 10 of the science division of the Indiana Academic Super Bowl Junior Division Area Competition.
Mrs. Shannon Carroll-Frey will take over the leadership of Center Grove Elementary School (CGES) from retiring Principal Bruce Haddix in July.
Fifty-eight Center Grove staff members (listed below) will be recognized for their service of 10, 20, 30, or 40 years.
Congratulations to the 44 Center Grove staff members (listed below) who were recognized by their peers for their Outstanding Service to Center Grove Schools!
An essay written by Lilyana Stricker, a fourth grade student at Pleasant Grove Elementary, won the grand prize in The Southside Times' Mother's Day Essay Contest.
Caleb Swartz, a sixth grade student at Middle School North, won the Optimist Club of 500 West-Indianapolis's speech contest.
The Center Grove High School Varsity Quiz Bowl team won the M.I.C. Academic Challenge Tournament, defeating Warren Central, Lawrence Central, and then North Central H.S. in the finals.
Several Center Grove High School students received awards from the Central Nine Career Center at its annual awards program on May 7, 2015.
Center Grove High School honored the top 20 students in the class of 2015 on Thursday, May 7, 2015 at the school’s first Top Twenty Banquet.
Brooke Phillips, Maple Grove Elementary principal, and Brian Proctor, North Grove Elementary principal, graduated from the Indiana Principal Leadership Institute (IPLI) at a ceremony on April 20, 2015.
Chayleigh Swartz, a fourth grade student at Sugar Grove Elementary, won the Optimist Club of 500 West-Indianapolis’s speech contest.
Center Grove Elementary School first grade teacher Kim King received the 2014-15 Center Grove Community School Corporation Teacher of the Year award on Tuesday, April 28, 2015.
Center Grove High School senior Kaveet Pandya is among 30 students named 2015 Indiana Academic All-Stars.
Dozens of current and former staff members and students came to Pleasant Grove Elementary on Sunday, April 26, 2015 to celebrate the school's 25th anniversary.
For the third year, Center Grove Community School Corporation (CGCSC) has been named a Top Workplace in Central Indiana. Center Grove also received the honor in 2013 and 2014.
Pleasant Grove Elementary School will celebrate its 25th anniversary on Sunday, April 26, 2015 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.