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Caitlyn Nowak




North Grove Elementary School


3 Years Teaching 

What teaching means to me...

Teaching is important to me because I get to make a difference every single day. While growing up, my parents provided care to foster children. Watching my mom make an impact on these children made a huge impact on my life and my decision to become a  teacher. I had the chance to see how much a child needs a role model and someone to look up to in their life.

I believe that by teaching, I not only get to teach math, reading, and writing, but I get to teach them how to love others and show them how to be compassionate. I also have the opportunity to watch them grow each year that I stay at North Grove.

When I was nominated as Teacher of the Year, one of my former students in 3rd grade came in that morning and was SO excited. He had a bag and a note in his backpack and could not wait to get it out. He was beyond excited to congratulate me! This same student always comes down to my room when he has indoor recess because he loves to spend time in my classroom. The words in the note read, " Mrs. Nowak you REALLY deserve this. You are the best teacher. " He then told me, " You never give up on me." 

Teaching is more than just giving them information to pass a test or get them to the next grade. Teaching really is about making a connection and being that person that they can count on forever.