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Planned Renovations

CGHS Project


Center Grove High School hosts many events every week from athletic and arts events to other large group gatherings. Once visitors enter the building, they can access most academic areas. Upgrades are planned to limit that access and provide additional safety features to the building.

Improve building security:

  • Limit access to academic areas from event spaces
  • Multiple added features to enhance safety/security building-wide

Center Grove High School was originally constructed in 1954. Additions/renovations were made in 1962, 1978, 1984, 1988, 1994, and 2015. Many rooms in our building haven’t been updated in over 20 years, which is before our current students were born. Right now, you will find a wide variety of furniture styles (sometimes all in one room) that may not fit the needs of the students and teacher. Teacher furniture is often older than classroom furniture and is certainly not as efficient in style and functionality as it could be.

Renovate classrooms to Center Grove’s learning space standards:

  • New cabinetry, furniture
  • New paint, carpet, ceilings, lighting

The current pool was built in 1994. There was discussion at that time to make it 50-meters, but they went with 25-meters to reduce the cost of the project. We currently have kids in the pool beyond 8-9pm because that’s when time is available. Additional deck space and spectator space is also needed.

Upgrade current pool:

  • Relocate pool, expand from 25-meters to 50-meters
    • Add therapy pool
    • Increase deck/spectator space
    • Add seperate locker room/restroom facilities for swimmers/spectators

The current space occupied by the pool will be renovated to create two floors, which will include classrooms, large group space, and a relocated wrestling room.  

Renovate current pool space:

  • Create additional classroom space (CGHS will gain 11 classrooms from this project.)
  • Create additional large group space
  • Relocate wrestling room to southwest side of building nearer to other athletic facilities