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2023 CGHS Graduation
Courtney Hess
SGES Art Class


Welcome to Center Grove Community School Corporation! We are a growing school corporation that proudly serves the residents of White River Township in Johnson County, Indiana. We also accept transfers from students who live outside our district! Our staff of more than 1,500 is dedicated to helping our students achieve their best. Enroll today and grow with Center Grove! 

Enrollment is OPEN for next (2025-26) school year!

OUR MISSION: We develop knowledgeable, confident and responsible citizens through inspirational and innovative learning opportunities. Learn more about Center Grove's vision, mission, and beliefs.

High School
Graduation Rate

Average Number of Students
in Kindergarten Classes

academic, athletic, &
arts programming

First Class
Buildings & Facilities

Explore Center Grove Schools With Us! 

Families, we hope you will visit our schools and learn what makes a Center Grove education exceptional for all students at an upcoming visit opportunity. 


Request a personalized tour for you and your family at one of our schools. 


Open Houses are held at each Center Grove elementary school on March 12th from 6:30 - 7:30 PM. Families can explore Kindergarten classrooms, engage with teachers, visit a bus, tour the building with a stop in the cafeteria for a special treat, connect with current and incoming families, and learn about safety measures. 

Frequently Asked Questions