How will new student online enrollment work for Kindergarten students?
- When enrollment opens, links to enroll online can be found on the Center Grove district homepage, as well as all school homepages. Please note that enrollment is NOT COMPLETE UNTIL all necessary documentation is recorded (i.e. legal birth certificate, immunization records, and proof of residency).
- A note about immunization: Please upload your child’s current record at the time of enrollment. You will also need to mail, fax, or drop off a paper copy of updated shot records to your child’s school before school starts in August.
My child won't be 5 years old by August 1, but is ready to start Kindergarten. Is there a process for me to enroll him/her?
- No. CGCSC does not offer a waiver for early enrollment into Kindergarten.
Can I enroll my child in kindergarten and then decide I want to hold him/her back another year?
- Once students are enrolled in public school, retention and promotion decisions are decided by building principals and kindergarten teachers according to how well students have mastered kindergarten skills. If students display mastery of Indiana Academic Standards, he/she will be promoted. Likewise, if a student isn’t demonstrating progress or mastery of skills, teachers may begin a conversation with the principal and parent about retention. However, the decision is no longer left to parent discretion; building principals make the final determination.
What is summer screening? Do I need to “study” with my child before the screening date?
- The kindergarten screening is a locally-designed assessment administered to individual incoming kindergarten students during an appointment time in the summer. The screening is designed to assess students’ foundational learning skills. The scores on the assessment are not a “percentage” or nationally “normed.” It provides a general awareness to your child’s kindergarten readiness and a starting point for instruction in the classroom.
How will I schedule a screening for my child?
- Kindergarten screenings are scheduled by each elementary school. Please contact your school to schedule a screening for your child.
How do I apply for an intra- (within Center Grove boundaries) or inter- (outside of Center Grove boundaries) district transfer?
- Transfer information is available at
How do I enroll my child if I am requesting an intra- (within Center Grove boundaries) or inter- (outside of Center Grove boundaries) district transfer?
- If you want to enroll a Kindergarten student who lives out-of-district, please complete a New Student Enrollment application when the 2025-26 application becomes available (see dates on this page). That application will be placed on hold until after the student's Inter-District transfer application can be reviewed.
“My babysitters’ kids ride a different bus. Can my student ride the babysitter’s bus on certain days?”
- Riding a different bus is only permitted in rare situations. Most buses are loaded to capacity with students assigned a specific seat. Additional students could cause an overloaded condition on the bus. If the situation arises, the parent must write or call the school explaining the emergency. If the school approves, the principal will sign a note to the student who in turn will present it to the bus driver, allowing the student to ride a different bus. If the situation requires a student to ride on a bus that is not their assigned bus with another student, there shall be notes from the parents of both children. Please contact the Transportation Department in permanent situations that require atypical bus arrangements:
“My transfer request is approved and I am supposed to provide my own transportation, but grandma lives in the district. Can my student ride the bus to grandma’s house?”
- Unfortunately, there are no exceptions for intra- or inter-district transfer students. Transportation to/from school must be provided by parents.
I can’t make it to the bus stop in time for my child when he/she gets off the bus. What happens?
- In order to keep your student safe, the bus driver will take your child back to his/her school. Additionally, for the safety of our students, Kindergarten students will only be dropped off if a parent or guardian is in visible sight.
- Center Grove has a partnership with Honey Grove Educational Day Care to provide before and after-school care for students. More information is available on their web page at this link.