Students will utilize a variety of instructional technology devices during their time here at Center Grove. Apple iPads in grades K-2 and 6-12, while grades 3-5 utilize Google Chromebooks. K-5 devices are kept at school unless directed to be taken home by school administrators. Examples for students taking devices home include scheduled e-learning days or in cases of inclement weather. Grades 6-12 is a full 1:1 deployment where the student is responsible for their school issued device and is taken to and from school every day. The devices allow us to provide a personalized instructional approach to learning and increase student engagement. With technology comes the need for responsibility from the student. Center Grove encourages parents to review with their students the corporation's Acceptable Use Policy and the discipline code in the student handbooks. Student handbooks can be found on each school’s website. It is the responsibility of parents and students to know what is right and what is wrong in the use of technology.
We also encourage parents to monitor the technology their children are using at home. Additional resources are available upon request.
Internet Safety
Center Grove complies with CIPA rules & regulations and provides safe and educational internet filtering for all devices connected to the CG network. School issued devices are filtered 24/7 both onsite and offsite. If you have concerns about content filtering at home for Bring Your Own devices, there are options available.
- Web content filtering at Home
Center Grove's Technology Department uses Securly DNS to filter all Center Grove owned devices. BYOD devices are filtered while on the CG network. It is available for BYOD devices reserved for extenuating circumstances or students who opt to violate the policies related to the guidelines set forth by the handbook, available on the technology website. - Monitor what they're watching and playing on their devices.
- Common Sense Media provides reviews for parents on apps, movies, and video games.
- Digital Citizenship
Digital citizenship is an important part of students being able to effectively use technology as a productive learning tool both in and outside of the classroom. Some key focus areas of digital citizenship are data privacy & security, digital footprint, and cyberbullying. Below are some helpful resources and coursework to gain a better understanding of digital citizenship.
Internet Access
If you do not have Internet access at home or need assistance, below are providers in our areas and special programs offered.
- Providers in our area
- Metronet
- Xfinity
Social Media Usage
At Center Grove, it is our hope that students who choose to engage in social media activity are able to do so in a responsible manner. Feeling connected, supported, and communicating with others are all undoubtedly important qualities in the teen years and beyond. However, we want to ensure that our students are making these connections in a safe and productive manner that is encouraging to others.
Many accounts are circulating in the media regarding disturbing internet challenges that target children. They have been reported on Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube, and YouTube Kids, but it may also be on other platforms. While there are some claims that these challenges are hoaxes, some children may try to play these games out of curiosity and unintentionally harm themselves. You can find information about some of these internet games from Common Sense Media.
There are several ways to monitor or restrict the use of social media & technology. Some of these include:
- Install filters on devices.
- School iPads: Center Grove's Technology Department uses the Securly platform to filter devices 24/7. For concerned parents and students who may have a hard time adjusting to technology at home, additional resources are available upon request. Please email for more information.
- Personal devices and home computers: StaySafeOnline.Org offers information on how to set up parental controls on phones and other mobile devices, as well as most computers and play systems.
- Screen Time Parental Controls (iPhone/iPad)
- From the user phone Click Settings > Screen Time > Use Screen Time Passcode (Enter a 4 digit passcode that will not be easily guessed)
- There are many options within this setting restriction. Chooses “Always Allowed” for apps that will always be accessible such as Messages and FaceTime.
- Click App Limits > Add Limit
- You may choose a specific category or chooses “All Apps & Categories” to limit all. The passcode must be reentered in order to change this setting.
- Click Set Up Screen Time For Family > Add Child or Create a Child Account > Follow additional prompts in order to view your child’s screen time from your phone
- Service providers typically have their own parental control systems.
- Actively monitor what they're watching and playing on their devices.
- Common Sense Media provides reviews for parents on apps, movies, and video games.
- On Guard Online - Online security tips and resources for parents and families
- Common Sense Media - Up-to-date research and guidance on social media for parents
- Google Safety Center - Resources to help families set digital ground rules