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Students adjust differently when making a transition to a new school. Students may be transitioning due to any number of reasons, including moving into the district, changing schools due to age (elementary to middle school to high school), or due to their enrollment management assignment.
The keys to a smooth transition include:

  • Be positive
  • Be involved
  • Be transparent
  • Talk through any concerns

Talking with your child about the positive aspects of changing schools (making new friends, etc.) can have a big impact on his or her outlook. You can challenge them to get the names of five new friends to help turn their anxiousness into excitement.

The articles below provide helpful information about discussing the transition to a new school.   Additional Resources If your child is having daily concerns in his/her new school after 1-2 weeks of classes, talk with your child's teacher. He or she may refer you to your school's counselor.  

Articles for Transitioning Schools

11 Tips for Adjusting to a New School

Changing Schools Isn't Easy: Tips for a Successful Transition

Back to School Blues: 6 Tips to Help Your Child Adjust to a New School

Helping Your Child Adjust to a New School

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